Calculational papers

Papers that use a lot of old-fashioned algebra to solve a problem. Sometimes the most entertaining algebra is in an appendix.

  • (2019) Oliver K. Ernst, Tom Bartol, Terrence Sejnowski, Eric Mjolsness, Learning Moment Closure Approximations in Reaction-Diffusion Systems with Spatial Dynamic Boltzmann Distributions”. Physical Review E, v.99, 063315, 26 June 2019. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.063315 .
  • (2015) Todd Johnson, Thomas Bartol, Terrence Sejnowski, and Eric Mjolsness. “Model Reduction for Stochastic CaMKII Reaction Kinetics in Synapses by Graph-Constrained Correlation Dynamics”. Physical Biology 12:4, July 2015.
  • (2013) Eric Mjolsness. Time-ordered product expansions for computational stochastic systems biology. Physical Biology 10 035009, 2013. [Journal paper, open access.]
  • (2012) David Orendorff and Eric Mjolsness. A hierarchical exact accelerated stochastic simulation algorithm, Journal of Chemical Physics 137, 214104, December 2012. DOI: 10.1063/1.4766353 ; arXiv:1212.4080. [Journal Paper | Technical Report]
  • (2009)  Mjolsness E, Orendorff D, Chatelain P, Koumoutsakos P. An Exact Accelerated Stochastic Simulation Algorithm, Journal of Chemical Physics 130:144110, 2009. Technical Report UCI-ICS 08-09 [Journal paper View paper at publisher’s web site |Technical report ]
  • (1998)  A Lagrangian formulation of neural networks I: Theory and analog dynamics.  Eric Mjolsness and Willard L. Miranker,
    Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations vol 6 no. 3, pp. 297-336, 1998.
    [Preprint: I] [ Scanned journal PDF – 13MB ]
  • (1998) A Lagrangian Formulation of Neural Networks II: Clocked Objective Functions and Applications, Willard L. Miranker and Eric Mjolsness, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, vol 6 no. 3, pp. 337-372, 1998. [Preprint of Parts I and II together]  [ Scanned PDF | Journal ]
  • (1997)  Symbolic Neural Networks Derived from Stochastic Grammar Domain Models. Eric Mjolsness, in Connectionist Symbolic Integration , eds. R. Sun and F. Alexandre, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997. [ Preprint ]
  • (1991)  A connectionist model of development. Mjolsness E, Sharp DH, Reinitz J. , Journal of Theoretical Biology 152: 429-453. [ Abstract | Paper ]